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Part Finder - KTM - 2022 - 390 DUKE,white - B.D. (F4322V2) - INSTRUMENTS / LOCK SYSTEM


Please note: that parts quantities shown on parts diagrams are the quantity of that part that exists on the bike, Not the quantity that we have in stock. Please click on the parts individually to check stock availability, thank you.
Please note: that pricing shown is individual/single per item pricing only unless otherwise indicated in part description.
Ref Part Number Description Part/Desc
21901 11 067 100BLANK KEY 125/200 DUKE901 11 067 100BLANK KEY 125/200 DUKE
21901 11 067 000KEY901 11 067 000KEY
Ref Part Number Description Part, Description # On Img # Cart $ Each Notes
1 943 14 069 002 SPEEDOMETER 943 14 069 002SPEEDOMETER1 on diagram x1 1684.45
2 930 14 064 000 Holder handsbar CUM TFT speedo 930 14 064 000Holder handsbar CUM TFT speedo1 on diagram x1 97.20
3 930 14 064 100 Back cover TFT holder 930 14 064 100Back cover TFT holder1 on diagram x1 42.15
4 930 08 020 060 Screw M6X1X9 930 08 020 060Screw M6X1X92 on diagram x2 4.55
5 930 14 062 010 Collar TFT speedo small 930 14 062 010Collar TFT speedo small4 on diagram x4 6.15
6 905 07 040 001 RUBBER SLEEVE 905 07 040 001RUBBER SLEEVE4 on diagram x4 5.35
7 933 08 015 010 Washer, license plate holder support 933 08 015 010Washer, license plate holder support4 on diagram x4 4.10
8 J03 10 60183 Roundhead screw M5X18 J03 10 60183Roundhead screw M5X184 on diagram x4 4.30
9 930 14 064 200 Bracket TFT Cover black 930 14 064 200Bracket TFT Cover black1 on diagram x1 27.10
13 930 11 066 044 Ignition lock complete 930 11 066 044Ignition lock complete1 on diagram x1 333.25
14 930 11 064 100 Special screw for ignition lock 930 11 064 100Special screw for ignition lock2 on diagram x2 9.00
16 901 07 050 050 SEAT LOCK 901 07 050 050SEAT LOCK1 on diagram x1 66.40
17 930 07 051 000 Retaining bracket 930 07 051 000Retaining bracket1 on diagram x1 10.20
18 930 11 066 010 Positioning rubber 930 11 066 010Positioning rubber1 on diagram x1 22.20
20 943 11 066 044 Lock Set 943 11 066 044Lock Set1 on diagram x1 553.10
21 901 11 067 100 BLANK KEY 125/200 DUKE 901 11 067 100BLANK KEY 125/200 DUKE0 on diagram x0 25.20
21 901 11 067 000 KEY 901 11 067 000KEY1 on diagram x1 183.70

943 14 069 002 - SPEEDOMETER

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    943 14 069 002
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

930 14 064 000 - Holder handsbar CUM TFT speedo

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 14 064 000
  • Description

    Holder handsbar CUM TFT speedo
This part is not available for sale.

930 14 064 100 - Back cover TFT holder

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 14 064 100
  • Description

    Back cover TFT holder
This part is not available for sale.

930 08 020 060 - Screw M6X1X9

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 08 020 060
  • Description

    Screw M6X1X9
This part is not available for sale.

930 14 062 010 - Collar TFT speedo small

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 14 062 010
  • Description

    Collar TFT speedo small
This part is not available for sale.

905 07 040 001 - RUBBER SLEEVE

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    905 07 040 001
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

933 08 015 010 - Washer, license plate holder support

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    933 08 015 010
  • Description

    Washer, license plate holder support
This part is not available for sale.

J03 10 60183 - Roundhead screw M5X18

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    J03 10 60183
  • Description

    Roundhead screw M5X18
This part is not available for sale.

930 14 064 200 - Bracket TFT Cover black

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 14 064 200
  • Description

    Bracket TFT Cover black
This part is not available for sale.

930 11 066 044 - Ignition lock complete

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 11 066 044
  • Description

    Ignition lock complete
This part is not available for sale.

930 11 064 100 - Special screw for ignition lock

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 11 064 100
  • Description

    Special screw for ignition lock
This part is not available for sale.

901 07 050 050 - SEAT LOCK

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    901 07 050 050
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

930 07 051 000 - Retaining bracket

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 07 051 000
  • Description

    Retaining bracket
This part is not available for sale.

930 11 066 010 - Positioning rubber

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    930 11 066 010
  • Description

    Positioning rubber
This part is not available for sale.

943 11 066 044 - Lock Set

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    943 11 066 044
  • Description

    Lock Set
This part is not available for sale.

901 11 067 100 - BLANK KEY 125/200 DUKE

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    901 11 067 100
  • Description

    BLANK KEY 125/200 DUKE
This part is not available for sale.

901 11 067 000 - KEY

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    901 11 067 000
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.