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We would like to make you aware that due to staff shortages and stock issues due to the pandemic we are behind with our web orders. If you order Is urgent please telephone the store and order over the phone. We thank you for your understanding.



Please note: that parts quantities shown on parts diagrams are the quantity of that part that exists on the bike, Not the quantity that we have in stock. Please click on the parts individually to check stock availability, thank you.
Please note: that pricing shown is individual/single per item pricing only unless otherwise indicated in part description.
Ref Part Number Description Part/Desc
11580 33 029 115SPROCKET 15T580 33 029 115SPROCKET 15T
11580 33 029 116front sprocket 16 teeth damped580 33 029 116front sprocket 16 teeth damped
Ref Part Number Description Part, Description # On Img # Cart $ Each Notes
1 766 33 110 000 counter shaft 766 33 110 000counter shaft1 on diagram x1 495.05
2 766 33 116 000 sliding gear 6th gear 766 33 116 000sliding gear 6th gear1 on diagram x1 313.40
3 047 10 27000 CIRCLIP XDNS-27 047 10 27000CIRCLIP XDNS-273 on diagram x3 11.45
4 766 33 040 000 STOP DISK 24.6X33X1.5 766 33 040 000STOP DISK 24.6X33X1.53 on diagram x3 11.00
5 766 33 112 000 idler gear 2nd gear 766 33 112 000idler gear 2nd gear1 on diagram x1 313.40
6 040 52 428 13G NEEDLE BEAR.K 24X28X13 DIVIDED 040 52 428 13GNEEDLE BEAR.K 24X28X13 DIVIDED3 on diagram x3 15.40
7 490 30 023 100 CYL.ROLLER BEARING NJ205 C4 490 30 023 100CYL.ROLLER BEARING NJ205 C41 on diagram x1 102.30
8 076 00 032 47000 790 Shaft seal ring 32x47x7 AS-P FPM80 076 00 032 47000790 Shaft seal ring 32x47x7 AS-P FPM801 on diagram x1 21.10
9 077 00 20220 O-RING 25,12X1,78 NBR70 077 00 20220O-RING 25,12X1,78 NBR701 on diagram x1 4.50
10 766 33 030 012 Spacing tube front sprocket 766 33 030 012Spacing tube front sprocket1 on diagram x1 48.45
11 580 33 029 115 SPROCKET 15T 580 33 029 115SPROCKET 15T0 on diagram x0 60.00 Enduro
11 580 33 029 116 front sprocket 16 teeth damped 580 33 029 116front sprocket 16 teeth damped0 on diagram x0 74.55 SM
12 590 33 034 000 SPRING WASHER 17,2X40X1,5 590 33 034 000SPRING WASHER 17,2X40X1,51 on diagram x1 9.10
13 590 33 029 000 HH COLLAR SCREW M10X18 10.9 590 33 029 000HH COLLAR SCREW M10X18 10.91 on diagram x1 5.60
14 062 50 60044 BALL BEARING 6004 DDUN C4 062 50 60044BALL BEARING 6004 DDUN C41 on diagram x1 21.75
15 590 33 080 000 SHIM 20X32X1 590 33 080 000SHIM 20X32X11 on diagram x1 8.90
16 766 33 111 000 idler gear 1st gear 766 33 111 000idler gear 1st gear1 on diagram x1 353.80
17 040 00 022 01300 needle bearing 22x26x13 040 00 022 01300needle bearing 22x26x131 on diagram x1 15.40
18 635 33 032 000 stop disc 22.2/31.7/1 635 33 032 000stop disc 22.2/31.7/11 on diagram x1 11.00
19 766 33 115 000 sliding gear 5th gear 766 33 115 000sliding gear 5th gear1 on diagram x1 313.40
20 766 33 113 100 idler gear 3rd gear 766 33 113 100idler gear 3rd gear1 on diagram x1 272.95
21 766 33 114 000 idler gear 4th gear 766 33 114 000idler gear 4th gear1 on diagram x1 272.95
22 047 12 00120 CIRCLIP DIN471 20X1,2 047 12 00120CIRCLIP DIN471 20X1,21 on diagram x1 4.50
23 590 33 080 000 SHIM 20X32X1 590 33 080 000SHIM 20X32X11 on diagram x1 8.90
24 002 10 50003 washer DIN 9021 A - 5.3 002 10 50003washer DIN 9021 A - 5.31 on diagram x1 3.20
25 073 80 105 0105S Oval head screw ISR M5x10-10.9 ISR25 073 80 105 0105SOval head screw ISR M5x10-10.9 ISR251 on diagram x1 5.55
98 590 33 034 044 SCREW 10.9+SPRING WASHER 590 33 034 044SCREW 10.9+SPRING WASHER1 on diagram x1 10.45
99 750 33 010 010 Counter shaft repair kit 690/701 750 33 010 010Counter shaft repair kit 690/7010 on diagram x0 91.95

766 33 110 000 - counter shaft

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 110 000
  • Description

    counter shaft
This part is not available for sale.

766 33 116 000 - sliding gear 6th gear

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 116 000
  • Description

    sliding gear 6th gear
This part is not available for sale.

047 10 27000 - CIRCLIP XDNS-27

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    047 10 27000
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

766 33 040 000 - STOP DISK 24.6X33X1.5

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 040 000
  • Description

    STOP DISK 24.6X33X1.5
This part is not available for sale.

766 33 112 000 - idler gear 2nd gear

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 112 000
  • Description

    idler gear 2nd gear
This part is not available for sale.

040 52 428 13G - NEEDLE BEAR.K 24X28X13 DIVIDED

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    040 52 428 13G
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

490 30 023 100 - CYL.ROLLER BEARING NJ205 C4

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    490 30 023 100
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

076 00 032 47000 - 790 Shaft seal ring 32x47x7 AS-P FPM80

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    076 00 032 47000
  • Description

    790 Shaft seal ring 32x47x7 AS-P FPM80
This part is not available for sale.

077 00 20220 - O-RING 25,12X1,78 NBR70

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    077 00 20220
  • Description

    O-RING 25,12X1,78 NBR70
This part is not available for sale.

766 33 030 012 - Spacing tube front sprocket

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 030 012
  • Description

    Spacing tube front sprocket
This part is not available for sale.

580 33 029 115 - SPROCKET 15T

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    580 33 029 115
  • Description

  • Notes

  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

580 33 029 116 - front sprocket 16 teeth damped

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    580 33 029 116
  • Description

    front sprocket 16 teeth damped
  • Notes

This part is not available for sale.

590 33 034 000 - SPRING WASHER 17,2X40X1,5

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    590 33 034 000
  • Description

    SPRING WASHER 17,2X40X1,5
This part is not available for sale.

590 33 029 000 - HH COLLAR SCREW M10X18 10.9

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    590 33 029 000
  • Description

    HH COLLAR SCREW M10X18 10.9
This part is not available for sale.

062 50 60044 - BALL BEARING 6004 DDUN C4

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    062 50 60044
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

590 33 080 000 - SHIM 20X32X1

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    590 33 080 000
  • Description

    SHIM 20X32X1
This part is not available for sale.

766 33 111 000 - idler gear 1st gear

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 111 000
  • Description

    idler gear 1st gear
This part is not available for sale.

040 00 022 01300 - needle bearing 22x26x13

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    040 00 022 01300
  • Description

    needle bearing 22x26x13
This part is not available for sale.

635 33 032 000 - stop disc 22.2/31.7/1

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    635 33 032 000
  • Description

    stop disc 22.2/31.7/1
This part is not available for sale.

766 33 115 000 - sliding gear 5th gear

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 115 000
  • Description

    sliding gear 5th gear
This part is not available for sale.

766 33 113 100 - idler gear 3rd gear

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 113 100
  • Description

    idler gear 3rd gear
This part is not available for sale.

766 33 114 000 - idler gear 4th gear

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    766 33 114 000
  • Description

    idler gear 4th gear
This part is not available for sale.

047 12 00120 - CIRCLIP DIN471 20X1,2

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    047 12 00120
  • Description

    CIRCLIP DIN471 20X1,2
This part is not available for sale.

590 33 080 000 - SHIM 20X32X1

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    590 33 080 000
  • Description

    SHIM 20X32X1
This part is not available for sale.

002 10 50003 - washer DIN 9021 A - 5.3

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    002 10 50003
  • Description

    washer DIN 9021 A - 5.3
This part is not available for sale.

073 80 105 0105S - Oval head screw ISR M5x10-10.9 ISR25

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    073 80 105 0105S
  • Description

    Oval head screw ISR M5x10-10.9 ISR25
This part is not available for sale.

590 33 034 044 - SCREW 10.9+SPRING WASHER

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    590 33 034 044
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

750 33 010 010 - Counter shaft repair kit 690/701

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    750 33 010 010
  • Description

    Counter shaft repair kit 690/701
This part is not available for sale.